Come Into Play Project

The ‘Come into Play’ project will address the very real need faced by parents and carers of children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and/or social emotional and mental health issues, who struggle with school and are often temporarily or permanently excluded. We want to develop a ‘community of practice where parents, carers with shared experiences can talk, access support and specialist training and work together on projects that create tangible results, e.g. early help school readiness creche facilities.

Building on our established ‘Skills Bank’ we will continue to develop parenting and safeguarding programmes, mindfulness and well-being activities and informal parent, carer and family support groups for isolated families.

‘Come into Play’ also builds on our successful track record running three adventure playgrounds in some of the most deprived and socially isolated communities in Torbay. From a young person’s point of view, ‘Come into Play’ will offer a safe space to come to play, after school and at the weekend where they can enjoy themselves, whatever their challenges.

Part of the funding is for ‘organisational development’ and we will be seeking help from specialists to support a new Come into Play Steering group with statutory and voluntary organisations parents and carers. The aim of the steering group is to help us to effectively develop this initiative to provide the support that is needed and ensure it is sustained into the future. If you would interested in being part of this group do please let us know.

Alongside the ‘Come into Play’ project, we  actively fundraise to continue to offer Free Play sessions at the adventure playgrounds after school and in the holidays to which everyone is welcome to join. Play Torbay celebrated its 20th birthday in June 2019 and as opportunities for children to ‘play out’ continue to diminish we feel it is even more important that we find a way to keep these sessions going. Play for young children is essential for their growth and survival and gives them a love for life and we will be working hard to continue to raise funds to open the playgrounds at least every holiday and half-term.


Cracking Day with Play Torbay!


Mystery Quest in a Week